Friday, 4 July 2014

Gene Therapy Pros and Cons

Some swear by its therapeutic potential, whereas some view gene therapy as violating God's powers. Gene therapy pros and cons has scientists, religious figures and even common man divided on its rationality. Let us understand what is gene therapy and the pros and cons of gene therapy to understand why this topic is such a hotly debated one.
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"BLASPHEMY!" some cried when the concept of gene therapy first surfaced. For them tinkering with the genetic constitution of human beings was equivalent to playing God, and this they perceived as being sacrilegious! On the other side was the scientific community, abuzz with excitement at the prospect of being able to wipe certain genetic disorders in humans entirely from the human gene pool. Although the term gene therapy was first introduced during the 1980s, the controversy about the rationality of this line of treatment still rages on. In the center of the debate lie the gene therapy pros and cons that derive opinions from religious, ethical and undoubtedly, political domains.

What is Gene Therapy?

Put in simple words, gene therapy is substituting defective genes in a cell with the correct ones. Genes are the basis of heredity. They are made of triplets of nitrogenous bases that code for amino acids. The amino acids make up proteins that play important role in the way our body functions. Hence, defective genes result in malfunctioning metabolic pathways that manifest as diseases, the causes of which are embedded deep within our genetic makeup. Hence, till date there is no cure for genetic disorders. Treatment is only symptomatic. No wonder there is so much frenzy in the scientific community about the therapeutic effects of gene therapy.

Gene Therapy Treatment

Gene therapy can be broadly classified into two types. One is the somatic cell therapy and the other is the reproductive cell or germline therapy. In somatic cell therapy, the somatic cells are targeted for gene replacement, whereas in the reproductive cell therapy, the defective gene lies in the reproductive cells that are replaced by the correct gene. The alterations made in the genetic makeup of the somatic cells is corrective only for the patient. This change is not inherited by the treated person's offspring. However, in case of germline gene therapy, the changes are passed on to the descendants of the treated individual. Hence, this line of treatment has the potential of altering the human gene pool for good.

How is Gene Therapy Done?

The therapy depends upon vectors, that is carriers of the normal genes that transfer them to the cells that have the defective gene. One of the most popular vectors are virus, most popularly retroviruses that have the capability of injecting their genetic material into the host cells. This viral genetic material is armed with the correct gene and once it integrates with the host genome, all the cells resulting from cell division of the host cell will contain the copy of the correct gene in place of the defective one. Liposomes, adeno-viruses and using naked DNA are some other options for vectors that are being investigated to replace defective genes in organisms.

Gene Therapy Pros

The single most factor that gives gene therapy its edge is its incredible therapeutic potential. The human race has always been under the continuous onslaught of diseases. As we find cure for some of the diseases, we are attacked by new and more virulent forms of germs. Although such diseases can be cured through medicines, genetic disorders have no cure unless the defective gene is replaced by the correct one and this is what gene therapy aims at. Moreover, by targeting the reproductive cells, such defects can be got rid of for good. People suffering from genetic disorders like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease are some of those whose only hope for cure is gene therapy.

Gene Therapy Cons

Scientific Issues: Although the most popular choice as a vector, using virus for the purpose is not foolproof. There is a specific point within the host genome where the correct gene should be introduced. There is no guarantee that the viral enzyme that is responsible for this step will be able to introduce the correct gene at the specific point in the host chromosome. In case, there is an error in this process, it would result in error in the genetic makeup of the cell and can result in serious disorders.

Moreover, the body's immune system may destroy the vector as it may perceive the carrier as a foreign body. Then there are problems with introducing therapeutic DNA and the rapidly dividing nature of certain cells that are hurdles in gene therapy providing long term benefits to patients. Due to this reason a patient may need to undergo multiple therapy treatment processes. But with this again comes the problem of the immune system. Once the immune system is triggered by a foreign body, it attacks the foreign body more aggressively when it invades the body next time.

Ethical Issues: Given the technology involved, it is obvious that gene therapy treatment will be expensive. It will be just the rich who would be able to afford its benefits. This gives rise to the refrain that gene therapy will make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.

We know the potential of reproductive gene therapy. The scope of this line of treatment triggers the fear of eugenics - a term that denotes creation of a superior race, the idea that media has tried to embody in the concept of designer babies. Although this definitely isn't on the minds of geneticists but it is difficult to erase the repercussions of Hitler's belief in supremacy of the Aryan race.

Religious Issues: Manipulating genetic makeup of man is absolutely unacceptable by those with strong religious beliefs. According to them altering genes is similar to tinkering with nature. It's like questioning God's will or in other words, 'playing God'.
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Weighing the Pros and Cons of Gene Therapy

Engineering and 
. Both very normal, harmless words with normal meanings. However, put the word "Genetic, or Gene" in front of them, then they become controversial. Genetic Engineering (GE) and Gene Therapy (GT) have caused a colossal outburst from a cross section of society in the past few decades. It is impossible to ignore. Why is it so controversial? Is it worth the risk and effort? Are we an improved species with it, or are we better off without it? There are many answers to these questions. A specific branch of GE, Gene Therapy, has countless ethical implications. The aim of this essay is to examine and evaluate the ethical, religious, and medical implications of gene therapy, and come to a valid conclusion.
To develop opinions on gene therapy, it is important to know and understand the composition of genetic engineering in it's most basic form. What is genetic engineering? A formal definition describes genetic engineering as "the method of changing the inherited characteristics of an organism in a predetermined way by altering its genetic material." (Microsoft Encarta 2006) The act of changing the genetic material of an organism has caused debate within many sections of society. People are either for GE, against it, or do not understand it/do not care. People involved in the argument on genetic engineering/gene therapy argue about whether it is beneficial to the human race, the animal kingdom, and the plant world. Gene Therapy, on the other hand, causes more human ethical issues. It is still an experimental science, and many people do not understand it.
Gene Therapy involves supplying a healthy, working gene to cells that either do not work properly, or do not work at all. The aim of gene therapy is to repair a genetic disorder or acquired disease. Gene Therapy can be generalised into two categories. The first is the alteration of germ cells, that is, sperm or eggs. This form of gene therapy has more ethical and literal implications as it permanently alters the genetic material of the whole organism, and it's subsequent generations. This "germ line gene therapy" is considered to be unethical in human beings, simply because it interferes with the natural order of things. The second type of gene therapy is named "somatic cell gene therapy". It is akin to an organ transplant. One or more specific tissues are targeted by direct treatment or by removal of the tissue, addition of the therapeutic gene or genes in the laboratory, and return of the treated cells to the patient. This form of gene therapy is less controversial simply because it does not permanently alter the genetic structure of the organism, and therefore cannot be passed on to future generations. (Genetic Revolution, McLeish, 2006)
Gene therapy took off in 1995 with the birth of the Human Genome Project. (Genetic Revolution, McLeish, 2006) This project discovered the sequence of letters (or bases) that make up the entire genetic code. It meant that people were able to fix' faulty genes in humans. The project was not just a scientific affair, and did not involve just one nation. It included governments, medical charities and pharmaceutical companies from around the globe. The project revealed the protein that genes create. Understanding what protein the genes created gave scientists an idea of their function, and how that function affected the body. This meant that scientists could identify the faulty gene and attempt to create cures for genetic diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis is just one example of a genetically inherited disorder. Medical professionals and scientists have used gene therapy in an attempt to find a cure for this debilitating disease that affects 7,500 people in the UK, and around 75,000 people in the USA. It is clear that Cystic Fibrosis is a common genetic disorder. People with this disorder make too much thick mucus that gathers in the respiratory system, especially the lungs. Breathing is extremely difficult, and the lungs cannot sufficiently remove bacteria. This causes frequent and potentially dangerous infections. Cystic Fibrosis is caused by the absence of an enzyme due to a faulty gene. A certain gene therapy treatment available is a procedure that involves spraying the air passages with a genetically modified virus containing the normal gene. However, this poses problems, as the body may see this as an invasion and attack the very thing that is trying to help. (
When Humans are involved with the conscious alteration of genetic material, there are always going to be huge implications. Naturally, there will be more pitfalls than benefits, especially at this experimental stage in gene therapy's development. It is a mysterious and misunderstood branch of medical science, one that incites fear and anger into many people. There are a variety of specific benefits and pitfalls to gene therapy.
It can be argued that all forms of technology are unnatural. The computer, the television, and the mobile phone are all unnatural because humans have developed and engineered these technologies. They are not the result of nature; they are the direct result of learned human creation. On another note, Humans consistently manipulate nature and evolution in the form of selective breeding of animals. This benefits humans, and meets no ethical resistance. No technology is without risk. Cars cost the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world each year, yet people are prepared to accept that reality so they can get from A to B. Finally, who has the right to decide what is best for medical science? Is it the doctor, the patient, politicians, religious leaders or society as a whole? (The Gene Shifters, Newell, 1989)
Gene Therapy is not without its downfalls. There are media reports of gene therapy going terribly wrong. On September 17th, 1999, an 18 year old boy by the name of Jesse Gelsinger died as a direct result of his voluntary participation in a trial of gene therapy. Jesse had a rare genetic disorder called Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency (OTC), which prevented his body from ridding itself of Ammonia. Jesse received a high dose of Adenovirus'. Scientists thought the worst symptom Jesse would experience was an inflammation of the Liver. The Adenovirus was injected into his bloodstream, resulting in multiple organ failure, and led to his death four days later. (
Gene Therapy is a largely untested science. It raises ethical, medical and religious issues. It has been reported that some forms of gene therapy have actually caused Cancer in some patients. Recently, almost thirty gene therapy trials in the USA were forced to a halt. The trials reportedly caused Leukaemia in two young boys. Before this was discovered, the actual test was hailed as one of the first remarkable successes in the field of gene therapy. The trials aimed to find a cure for X-chromosome-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, or X-SCID.

Additional downfalls of gene therapy include the fact that it is simply unnatural. Biotechnologists are playing with nature. Countless animals are mutilated and/or killed for experiments, where they experience great pain and suffering. Finally, animals are simply a poor model of human genetic diseases.
The basis for argument is there in black and white. As long as gene therapy and genetic engineering exist, all sectors of society will battle over it. It is not simply a case of "is it right or wrong?", it's a matter of understanding the subject thoroughly. Then it's up to personal opinion to decide whether the world is a better place because of it. There will always be benefits. There will always be downsides too. The argument has no clear cut answers, as some people have been successfully treated by gene therapy. However, others have died as a result. The incidents where gene therapy goes wrong are covered more by the media than if gene therapy was a success. However, treatment is improving all the time, and so are success rates.
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